18 May 2008


I was just looking back through some videos of my high school skate crew...sniffle (you skaters out there who had a solid crew know what's up)...and after I wiped away the tears I said, "Hey you know what? Hopefully after college I will look back at Steel Horse videos and feel the same way...because our crew is pretty sick." In summary: let's keep riding and get stronger. We can make a better movie than MASH, Macaframa (not!), Doom, etc. Let's start filming some shit and get some Tim Bevins comments on wax. Let's go skating sometime. Love you guys. No homo.

For the skaters out there...I'll post some actual good footage sometime when i can edit some shit together. And for the haters who didn't come out to the "skate ride" (everyone except TBND)...


1 comment:

Jarrelemagne said...

Beirut for a skate video? i think me or joseph need to pick the music for the future steel horse videos. go team is questionable too.