04 November 2008


Good ride last night. Al returned from months of battling the itis in his knee. Lil' Eddie Saginian got broken in like a champ. Danielle and Graeme repped for the VCR massive. Ziadie made a comeback and Ricky Bobby held it down in pure ninja form. Also props to Patrick for being the only SHLA newbie to show up this week and hold his own. Barnsdall was sick (definite race coming up) and Boba was the shit as usual. Until next week...


Al (Just got a flat..."If I had my tubulars this would have never happened!")


"Very nice!"


Ricky Bobby

aka ninja status

CUTE x0x0, no homo.

Keo spin attempt...you'll get it Al.

Graeme: "Yo, do they have anything besides boba at this spot?"

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