22 March 2009


Pasadena Marathon was nice and early today at 6 am. The bike portion of marathon was 26 miles and there was also 60% chance of precipitation. In spite of this, I met up a few blocks from the starting line with Topher (he goes to UCLA and he went on the SHLA17 Daily Boba ride with us) and we jumped in with the front of the pack.

First 5-8 miles of the ride were brutal. It began to rain profusely and it made it very difficult to see anything. I almost considered quitting, but decided to toughen up. After the lap around the Rose Bowl, things started to clear up and the conditions were awesome. Started to hit the wall around the 22nd mile and the final uphill stretch. Reached the finish line at approx 1hr 15min. I'm pretty sure I was the first to finish fixed and I only saw 3-4 other guys on track bikes. Got major props from a bunch of roadies.

Everything so gloomy

Post finish line photo

Cool guy Topher

UCLA represent

Nitty gritty


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