02 April 2009


Rolled out to VCR tonight with Mike Jones and his homie Chris. The original plan was to hit up the OG LAX route, do some laps around the terminals and get pizza in Manhattan Beach. The VCR squad made a last minute decision to roll through the Bikerowave party then on to Yogurtland on Sawtelle. The chillest VCR I've been on in a long while (that doesn't mean I wasn't busting my ass keeping up with Hern at multiple stages of the ride) and a great night. Poured out a Club for you fred_club! HOLLA.

Fuel of champions.

Beer snatch.

"Got my XS on underneath."

"Reunited, and it feels so good!"

Mike + Natalie.

patrickviolence chills harder than you.

Hern + Milo.


Schwinn Paramount. What's that stem?



Had to do it for fred_core:

Flickr. Milo's Flickr.

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