13 July 2009



Besides getting lost a billion times trying to get out of SC and Monterey, we followed the schedule below, hitting the road every day anywhere from 6-9am in the cold morning fog. The fog stayed with us throughout Big Sur and into Morro Bay, so we didn't get much of a view of anything, which was disappointing on a 4,600ft ele/70 mile day. After Guadalupe it was all sun, gentle and not-so-gentle rolling hills with temps into 90s. Sunburn and lyrca tan galore. We saw a lot of farmland, migrant workers, pesticide spraying, deer, cows, and dead animals. We peed everywhere, ate everything, found a hot spring, and even had a stalker who wanted a threesome. 1 flat/busted tire, a few mechanical difficulties with my improv rack, and i also flew off my bike because Matt made me ride it down a mountain bike path, but 0 serious injuries. We met lots of amazing people, including a guy in his 40s named Ian, who's biking from British Columbia to Argentina with about 80lb of gear on his bike (we were childsplay in comparison to this guy) and the this family who fed us dinner and breakfast at one of the campgrounds when we had no food. The ocean was beautiful company until we got into LA county on the 4th of July, where Zuma Beach looked all festering and gross. I think I have the touring bug.

day one

day two

on a good day...

day three

day four

day five

day six

day seven